More helpful is lots of handwashing and sending people home when they are sick.
Amen to that. If people would just stay home and rest for a day or two when they first get sick, they'd get better faster and pass their germs to fewer people.
i just picked some up today.
i work in health care so i am around lots of sick people.
right now is the worst time of year with flu season and all.
More helpful is lots of handwashing and sending people home when they are sick.
Amen to that. If people would just stay home and rest for a day or two when they first get sick, they'd get better faster and pass their germs to fewer people.
it is too late to run to the store for contact solution!
any suggestions on how to save the contacts?
I made saline solution with iodized salt, soaked my contacts in i, and then tried to wear themt. It hurt like hell. You know how iodine hurts when you put it on a cut? Llike that, only in my eye.
Given a choice between iodized saline solution and tap water, I'd use tap water. I've tried that, too; it stings a bit, but only for a second. My lenses were unwearable after soaking in the iodized saline solution.
Your homemade saline solution is a good idea, but I'd recommend kosher salt, sea salt, or non-iodized table salt.
i've come to love and cherish much of the wisdom that emanates from the dear ladies of this forum and believe watchtower boobed in making all women subservient to the men.
so, do you think women would make good elders?.
Women (please don't sister bash me after this girls) also tend to gossip a lot.
People tend to gossip a lot.
I mean elders meetings would turn into high tea, who did what to whom and why and how.
Isn't that what they talk about now? Oh, no, wait, that's the JC. My bad.
biden: yes, i do.
i want to stand by that comment i made.
the reason i made the comment was as a warning.
10 years from now, when we have a tofu-farting liberal in the White House, George W. Bush will be seen as a brave and fearless leader. People will be saying, "If only Bush were in office..."
Which people? The ones who already think he's a brave and fearless leader?
i got a notice in the mail today taht i am eligible to receive a court-approved refund of fees charged to my eligible credit/debit card.
the fees were based on foreign transactions, including both purchases and atm withdrawals from feb 1996 to november 2006. the only places i traveled out of the country during that time was in canada around 1999 and when i went to denmark, sweden and london last year.. did anybody else who has visa, mastercard and or diners club and travel much receive one of these notices in the mail?
the website explains more
I received a notice, too, and it looked legitimate to me. I filed for the $25 instant refund. The website where I filed didn't ask me for anything but the refund ID number on the notice.
it is too late to run to the store for contact solution!
any suggestions on how to save the contacts?
2. Add one heaping teaspoon of salt. For this use, kosher salt is best, but table salt will do if it is all that you have. Stir the salt to disolve it, then let it sit for 15 minutes so that any insoluable particles will settle out.
Bolding mine. Do not use iodized salt. I give this advice freely based on my own painful experience.
i've come to love and cherish much of the wisdom that emanates from the dear ladies of this forum and believe watchtower boobed in making all women subservient to the men.
so, do you think women would make good elders?.
The meaning of the word elder is "older man."
The meaning of the word elder is "older." That the older person is male is assumed by some, including JWs.
so jehovah's witnesses can't claim the moral highground when it comes to being faithful to their marriage mates..
faith and marital fidelity go hand in hand: study .
shannon proudfoot.
Of course, the JW reply will be that once a person has committed marital infidelity, s/he is longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
i've been around for awhile, but never registered for fear of giving my personal information (yes, that's how much the borg scares me.
i was raised in the org, and left when i was 18. i realized that every religion firmly believed that they were correct, and that forced me to re-evaluate the religion on its merits, as opposed to my insistent belief.
needless to say, i saw the man behind the curtain.
I'm so sorry about the loss of your cousin, and the behavior of your family.
Remember that you never, ever, have to speak or meet with anyone if you don't want to -- that includes the elders. It's easy to forget that when you've been raised to believe in their authority. If they ask to meet with you, say no. If you have caller ID, don't answer the phone when they call.
Be strong, and remember, your life is yours to live and no one else's. Live the life you want, and make that life a memorial to your cousin.
i have this happen to my eye almost monthly and i was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this?
i have read that docs usually don't treat it unless it's secondary to hypertension.
my bp is very normal i am am not taking any anticoagulants.
I don't think ice will help. The blood needs to be resorbed, and I don't see how ice would speed that process.